Your Sales and Marketing Needs a Tune-up

Print ads, billboards, and sponsorships just don’t cut it anymore. There’s no way to measure ROI & today’s eyeballs are on screens. If you’re using these tactics, you’re probably behind.

These are the top three things holding you back from growing your business.

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You are Taking an Outdated Approach

Without a digital sales funnel and/or e-commerce and just relying on word of mouth,
or doing business in person (e.g., at the track), you will struggle to grow because eyeballs (ahem, the eyeballs of the modern buyer) are on screens.

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Your Website Sucks

No disrespect meant here, but when eyeballs are on YOUR screens, your website is
not doing what it's supposed to. Any investment in trying to drive people to a
website that sucks will fail, and that's just a waste of money.

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You Don't Know Where to Start

Folks in the racing business are great at shavings tenths of a second off of lap times,
but many do not know how to drive dollars into their bank accounts and are not sure where to start - or who to turn to - to fix it.


Ideally, you would find a partner who can

  • Build you a modern website
  • Launch a modern E-commerce store
  • Activate modern marketing tactics

These ☝️ are the most common requests that we get.

But this is where we wave the yellow caution flag - DO NOT just rush off and do these things.

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With a 9 Out of 10 Chance to DNF,
Why Even Start?

Did you know that over 90% of new sites & stores in our industry fail to break even on the cost to set them up? The fact is, they KEEP MAKING THE SAME MISTAKES.

So, where should you start?

Before you can figure out where you're going, you need to determine where you're at. Book a call for a free website assessment. We will see how your site stacks up, and show you what to fix.

It's Time To Stop Gambling on Growth

Almost everyone who builds websites and online stores knows nothing about the motorsports industry. And very little about your business. The biggest mistake we see is that when you hire one of these firms, you end up in a place where you are BOTH guessing what you need.

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You CAN launch a new website

But when you deploy a site that doesn't have a customer strategy for your space, it ends up being just a prettier version of your website that is already proven NOT to work.

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You CAN run more ads

But you end up driving traffic to a website that still doesn't convert. And most of the time, you end up running the wrong kinds of ads because the campaigns are run by someone with no track record of delivering ROI in this industry.

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You CAN rush to market

There's always a big rush to get started NOW. But rushing to market is like lining up on race day without preparation. We'd rather coach you to simply save your money because "just launching" (without a strategy) guarantees certain failure in this competitive space.


The way to WIN is to first focus on understanding your business through your customer’s problems and how they shop.

Then, walk them step by step through a Buyer Journey that leads to your solution. This requires knowledge of your space - and the customers in it - as well as expertise in marketing.


We. Get. Racing.

At Digital Momentum, We Get Racing. It’s all that we do. It’s all that we think about.

We have a proven system to get you where you need to go.

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Ready for a Winning Strategy?

Whether you hire us or not, let us show you the system that
works for racing and automotive performance.

We call it the Digital Growth Framework™.